Do you know what to do to get future-ready as a Change Leader?

Whether you’re a business manager leading change, a change management professional, or involved in strategic projects, I’ve written a comprehensive paper describing all the trends you need to know in this article.

I’m pleased to share with you the 5 Trends in Change Management that I presented at the Rethink Change conference in Sydney, Australia last week.

The future of work is rapidly evolving.  In order to execute strategies in an increasingly complex environment, those involved in organizational change need to adapt the way they themselves practice change management.

This paper reviews the 5 key trends in change management, and the implications for Change Leaders – both business managers leading change, and change management professionals.

While some trends are fully established, others are just a hint at what is over the horizon.

Peter Drucker said: “Trying to predict the future is like trying to drive down a country road at night with no lights while looking out the back window.” 

Accepting that we cannot predict the future accurately, I highlight the trends that I believe are most important for Change Leaders to navigate an increasingly complex operating environment.

I cover:

  • digitally enabled trends
  • flexible, leading edge approaches
  • applying a culture-lens to change, including psychosocial safety
  • and more.

Please click below to download the full article:

5 Future Trends in Change Management

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About Lisa Carlin

Lisa specialises in accelerating strategic projects.  She has pioneered a Culture-Friendly approach which she has used to deliver and guide executives through over 50 transformation programs. Her early career was with McKinsey and Accenture. In 1999, she started her own business (now part of FutureBuilders), working with prestigious global organizations and B2B Tech.  Lisa is Founder of the Turbocharge Hub, which provides frameworks, tools and training to business leaders who want to be future-ready and fast-track implementation of change initiatives.

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